Friday, October 9, 2009

Emajõe vasakul kaldal, kus paljastatud devon kivistunult irvitab, asub üks imelik porine mülgas, mille pinnal on pidev ja tagasitulev läikiva õli kiht. Teatud psüühilises seisundis on võimalik sellest mülkast läbi hüpata ja sattuda igikestva devoni ürgmere eeskotta. See võib olla kasvõi üks süütu Lõuna-Eesti väikelinn nimega Äkke, mis on ümbritsetud jõepõhja vajunud tankidest kostuvate jämedate raadiolainetega.


On the left bank of Emajõgi, where the devonian period is exposed as stoned- there is a muddy spot right at the shore. The mud`s surface is oily, it has always been like that. It is possible to jump into this spot in a certain psychological condition, and find yourself in the lobby of eternal devonian seas. The lobby- it might be an innocent town in South-Estonia, called Äkke, which is surrounded by rough radio-waves coming out of the sunken tanks of World War II, resting in the bottom of Emajõgi.

I will go and photo-shoot the oily spot asap. It is known, that every time something really bad happens in Tartu (bad accidents, people get killed or disappear), someone exits the spot.